Inspiring action for justice

through small group programs that advance peace, racial equity and a sustainable world.

Get Started

In-person & virtual programs


Equipping you for advocacy and grassroots organizing.

1 Programs Available


Undoing racism in our communities and in ourselves.

3 Programs Available

Broadly Spiritual Programming

Exploring issues that matter while staying true to your own beliefs.

4 Programs Available

Catholic Programming

Exploring spirituality and justice from a Catholic perspective.

4 Programs Available

Civil Dialogue

Wisdom for navigating disagreement in a healthier way.

1 Programs Available


Exploring our connection and responsibility to the environment.

3 Programs Available

Food Insecurity

Inspiring faith-filled action to end hunger and food insecurity.

1 Programs Available

Indigenous Justice

Equips people of faith to stand alongside Native communities.

1 Programs Available


Advocating for policies that are just, effective, and compassionate.

1 Programs Available


Responding to poverty in our local communities and our world.

3 Programs Available

The Land Is Not Our Own: Seeking Repair Alongside Indigenous Communities

The Land Is Not Our Own: Seeking Repair Alongside Indigenous Communities inspires and equips people of faith to stand alongside Native communities in working for justice and repair.

Just Action! How to Advocate and Mobilize for Justice

Do you want to take action for justice, but you aren’t quite sure how to get started?

Are you already taking action for justice, but you’d like to learn how to be more effective in your work?

Do you want to get your family, friends, church, or community involved, but you sometimes feel you are the only one doing the work?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this program was written for you and your community!

Spirituality and Racial Equity: Exploring Power and Privilege

This eight-session program awakens participants to the economic systems, public policies, cultural norms, and hidden biases that empower some and oppress others.

Faith and Poverty: A Biblical Response (Catholic Version)

This first program in the JustFaith Catholic series, Faith and Poverty: A Biblical Response, lays the theological and biblical foundation for responding to poverty in our communities.

Spirituality and Racial Healing: Embracing Truth, Justice, and Restoration

This eight-week program guides participants in telling the truth about the history of racism in the United States, that we might work toward true restoration with one another.

What’s new?

Faith and Action in a Time of Climate Crisis

As the climate crisis continues to rage around the globe, grief and loss are on the rise, and hope seems to fade. What is our responsibility as people of faith? Join faith-based climate justice activist William Morris as he shares his lived experience living in a frontline community near refineries and oil drilling and engages faith communities towards climate and environmental justice. Together, we will dive into the roots of the climate crisis, the role of humans and how we interact with the earth, and how our faiths call on us to respond in this time of crisis. Join us on Thurs., April 18, 7:00 p.m. ET/4:00 p.m. PT for what will be an insightful webinar presentation!

Learn more & register

Key Dates

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Testimonies from program participants

We have really different ideas about a lot of things, but I think the main thing that we agree on is that we believe in justice. We believe that as people of faith, we need to be active in our community to make sure that all people have a sense of hope and that all people have equal access and opportunities to a quality of life.

JustFaith Graduate

Join the JustFaith network

The JustFaith Network will help sustain you in your commitment to the work of social change. Through virtual Network events, you will join others from all over the country who share your passion for peace, justice, equity, and sustainability. You will also receive access to resources in the JustFaith Network Resource Library available through our website.

When you join, you’ll have access to…

Free blogs, podcasts, and archived resources

Free monthly Zoom events featuring timely topics and high-quality speakers

Information about special events and program offerings

Global reach

We have small groups in all 50 states in the United States and some internationally.


Over 70,000 people have participated in a JustFaith Ministries program.


More than 6,500 small groups have been formed.

Support JustFaith Ministries

Help us inspire more justice-driven people and communities by making a tax-deductible donation today. JustFaith Ministries’ programs are only possible thanks to the support of thousands of people like you.

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