What our program participants are saying

Just Action greatly expanded my understanding of advocacy and it enhanced my advocacy skills. The print and video resources, small group discussions, individual and group activities provided a framework that I am actively using in multiple ways. Additionally, our Just Action small group developed a template that we are using for ongoing discussion and for future action around housing and related issues.

One of the most important things I learned in this series is how much I didn’t know! I am far from alone: Our educational systems in the U.S. have white-washed our base of knowledge about our racial history. The readings, assignments and discussions in this series were constructive, even when difficult. We felt safe sharing our opinions, personal history and beliefs, and left empowered to take a stand against injustice. I cannot recommend this series more highly.

Following a 25 year career providing counseling as a therapist, I was curious to participate in the pilot for Want to Talk: Communication Tools for Divided Times. Communication skills were an important skill addressed with many clients. I thought this new JFM module covered many of the essential "tools" for effective communication in most relationships, especially with the recent challenges with so many controversial topics. I hear many people comment: "I just don't know how to respond", or "how do I have this conversation". This module will provide many skills that can make a real difference.