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Jack Jezreel

Senior Advisor

Jack is the original author of JustFaith, founder of JustFaith Ministries and was the first Executive Director of the organization. Prior to that, he spent five years in a Catholic Worker community working with men and women who were homeless and, after that, divided his time between faith-based justice education and organic agriculture. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion and a Master of Divinity degree from Notre Dame. He and his spouse Maggie have been married for 32 years and have three adult daughters. Jack is a popular speaker and author of the book, A New Way to Be Church: Parish Renewal from the Outside In. His work now focuses on presentations, workshops and training to introduce JustFaith programs and local leadership & networking.

Contact Jack

(502) 429-0865 (press 8 when greeting starts)

How I'm making an impact with JustFaith Ministries
